Sunday, November 4, 2012

The BIG Nicholasaurus DIG

This Halloween I knew it was going to be cold. I needed costumes that I could layer to keep the boys warm. One day while scrolling through pinterest I came across a cute Dinosaur hoodie...That is how Nicholasaurus was born.

The above picture was take just after My mom and myself made the hoodie and the tail. The hoodie came from HERE  It was super easy to make. All we did was fold a piece of felt in half and draw the points so that we had a long row of mountains( we did 2 sets, one for the hood one for the back) I sewed them right down the middle and then folded it over so the points matched up and sewed them shut.

Then we moved onto the tail. And I am not gonna was a pain. Maybe it's because I am new at sewing but it took me and my mother about an hour and a half to get it done. I am sure if I was a faster sewer/learner it would go quicker. The tutorial that I used can be found HERE She does a real good job of explaining things. We only changed how the points were done because we were using felt. We did the same thing we did for the hoodie, except we just folded and sewed the points shut. Then we went back to following her instructions.

 The next thing that we made was a fleece hat. It's cold here in Chicagoland and Nicholosaurus needed something warmer than a hood to keep him warm at night. The instructions for the fleece hat can be found HERE you will also find PDF printouts for all the patterns as well. That page does a real good job of explaining everything, there is even a video that you can watch. that I had Nicholas all figured out, what do we do for Alexander? Well thanks to my sister for the idea he was an Archeologist. Had to be one of the easiest costumes that I have made to date. I made him a badge that said he was the Head Archeologist on the Big Nicholasaurus Dig. He had a "Dinosaur" bone and a map of the dig site, he also carried some paint brushes as his work tools. The hat was found at Party City. Both of the boys had an awesome Halloween and stayed warm too :)

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